Online Video – The New Advertising King. How to use it to Market and Generate New Customers.
This may be a shocker to some, but Adults in the USA spend 3 hours and 43 minutes each and every day on their smartphones or tablets. That’s a lot, and it’s more time spent than watching TV, by the way.
How can business owners and advertisers take advantage of this fact? Nowadays, these phones and tablets have essentially duplicated the TV environment. Technology means that the same level of quality video that you see on TV, can also be shown via smartphones. Now, if we serve and display a high quality video telling the story of your business to these online users, whether it’s on social media, youtube, or one of our website affiliates – how is that different from a TV commercial?
Well let’s see here – how about Cost? There’s one HUGE difference. How many advertisers can afford a strong TV marketing campaign? Trust me, the answer is not many. TV is effective but is at the same time, one of the most costly advertising mediums out there. On the other side of this token, I’d venture to say that EVERY advertiser can afford to craft and produce a high quality video about them, inviting people to come to their business, and promote it online to the right audience.
WHY should you do that as a business owner? In short – it’s effective. Video advertisements online have 56% better click-through rates than banner ads, and 34% better click through rate than native ads. Facebook LOVES video and has built in algorithms to display video on timelines over everything else. For a fraction of the cost of a TV campaign, you can effectively tell your business story to the right demographics of customers, and invite them to come do business with you!
Advertisers across the country are investing more and more into this approach – mainly because it works.

As a business owner, it can be tough to carve out your space and identity in a crowded market. Crafting a video that tells your business story is one of the most efficient ways to position your brand, carve out your niche, and plant your unique flag in the sand as an advertiser.
Once your video is created, the next step is getting it out there! There are many different approaches and targeting mechanism options to do this, but typically we like to use various forms of social media and Youtube.
What we do with Online Targeting these days is truly amazing. Do you need your business video displayed only to Women aged 55+ with high household incomes? Got you covered. Need your video shown to everyone within a 5 mile radius of your storefront? Got you covered. Want to serve your video to Craft Beer enthusiasts in Fargo North Dakota at 5pm on Thursdays? That’s right, we’ve got you covered.
Not only will the Tomlinson Advertising Agency craft and produce a high quality video reel with multiple A/B samples, we will help you laser beam focus that video to be served to the targeted customer that you want to see it for your business. Once we execute that, all you need to do is sit back and let it work for you.
If you’re a business owner looking to generate new customers, then we ought to talk for a few minutes.
I’m Matt Tomlinson, and here’s my direct line – (864-421-4471). We’ve been successfully helping business owners in the Carolina’s for 15 years. Let’s chat for a few minutes, if we can help you, we will.
-Matt Tomlinson, Owner / CEO – The Tomlinson Advertising Agency